Wednesday, February 10, 2010

FBB 2 Weeks in

Hey! I'm here finally!! I have been doing a great job about not blogging but I digress...

I started my journey on the Jan 29th. My workout schedule is slightly modified because I teach 24LIFT on Wednesdays so I do Workouts A/B on Mon/Fri. I admit, I didn't read the book carefully and did it "wrong" the first time through. However, my friend Jennie Le hopped on board Feb 1st and we've been doing them together the "right" way.

Our schedule so far:
Feb 1st: Workout B
Feb 3rd: 24LIFT
Feb 5th: Workout A
Feb 8th: Workout B

Just the consistent schedule of strength training has already boosted my confidence! We are all our own worst critics and so trying to turn that voice off is hard from time to time. I know results wont come quick, but living in this fast pace "GIMME IT NOW" society makes that realization hard to swallow.

I need to start writing down the weights that I use for my workouts so I can remember to push it the next time I do it and not guess how much to lift.

Since Monday was just a couple days ago I will tell you Workout B is no joke. This week I am *SO* sore! I don't know if it was the combination of doing TK and then lifting, but in any case my body is definitely rebuilding itself stronger.

Lemme break Workout B down, yo:
Set 1
Russian Twist: Couldn't find any medicine balls Downtown so I settled for a 6lb. dumbbell. Felt relatively easy so I lifted my feet off the ground. Wowee -- Shakin' like a leaf. The second set I didn't do it and I should have because I wasn't challenged.

Prone Cobra:
OW OW OW OW! My butt! My butt! My butt is on FIYAH! Lower back workin' core is engaged. I count these out loud because I don't have a timer. This should be used as a torture technique. No jokes. I only hold for 60 seconds (waaaah!)

Set 2

Overhead Squats: I dislike Downtown's weight floor. Let me just say that. Trying to find a 20lb. bar didn't happen. They simply don't exist. I tried to use 30lb. bar and do these squats. I made it through my 1st set of 12. The second time, I did about 4 and switched to 5lb. dumbells in each hand- straight overhead. These are crazy! I am going to make my 24LIFT class try these. (Muahaha)

Lateral Raise with External Rotation:
I love this, but I think I am fan of workouts that appear wicked easy initially and then without sudden notice become INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT! I tried to be a superhero and do 12.5 lbs, but settled for 10lbs. OoOoO boy! The last 2-3 reps are hard. I made a ridiculous grunting noise (under my breath) trying to get my arms up for rep #12. That is the way it should be.

*I was STARVING and realizing my body was most likely in a catabolic state so we took a 5 min break. I bought myself a muscle milk shake and drank a lil' bit of that. Helped out a lot.*

Set 3

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: Mhm. I like these. I went up in my weight and did 15lbs. The last two reps were exceptionally difficult. I was losing my balance, but determined to finish it. Totally worth it as my legs are TOAST still.

Single Arm Lateral Pulldown: Finally got this exercise right. I was putting the cable at chest height. We put it all the way up and boy could I feel the difference. I did 20lbs. on this and that is all I needed. The last rep required one DEEP breath and minor grunting. Not even kidding.

Set 4

Split Bulgarian Lunge: I hate lunges. Can I say that? I will say it again. I hate them...but I love them. They hurt so good and so bad. I did them with 12.5 lb weights. However, I couldn't really feel the 1st initial set. The 2nd set was a different story. Maybe need to up my weights again.

Double Arm Cable Row: I am presently surprised that my back is sore from this. At the time I didn't feel insanely challenge at 40lbs. I'm definitely going to up my weight to 60lbs. next week. I feel silly doing this move though. It requires good posture and whenever I stand tall and "proud" I feel like I am trying to push my goodies out. Hah.

I'll say that I wasn't sure if I was going to stick with this workout plan, but 2 weeks in -- I am hooked. I still prefer ChaLEAN extreme, but it is good to mix it up. This book has been very informative and I am glad I decided to pick it up. I need to find some thermometer jeans and maybe write down my goals to hang in my room to keep me motivated.

I'll post tonight what I did for 24LIFT. I am unlike most instructors because I work hard with my people so doing 2 strength training workouts on Wednesdays is not necessary ;)

1 comment:

    I've been stalking a blank blog for weeks now!
    If I'm not feeling the split lunge, I make sure all of my weight is in my front working leg and I go REALLY low. Low low. OUCH LOW.
    10 lbs kills me right now.
    Chin ups NEXT!
